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Johnson & Johnson Appeals a $2.1 Billion Verdict in a Missouri Talc Powder Case

In one of its many legal problems stemming from a rash of product liability cases, Johnson & Johnson is waging an appeal against a multibillion dollar verdict against it in the talc powder...

The Justice Department Is Readying Antitrust Charges Against Google

Big Tech has been under a legal microscope recently as many have speculated that these companies are getting to big for the American consumer's good. There has been speculation that the federal govern...

Fired Uber Driver Sues for Racial Discrimination Over the Company's Star Rating System

Uber's drivers have filed yet another lawsuit against the company that will both test whether Uber's system discriminates against minority drivers and whether civil rights prote...

Clever Ways to Find Unclaimed Funds

There are billions of dollars in unclaimed funds around the world. Unfortunately, the process of claiming it remains a nightmare for most people. The good news is many new and innovative ways to search for and claim unclaimed money. Bes...

Secrets on Locating Every Cent of Unclaimed Funds

Did you know there could be hundreds, possibly even thousands of dollars sitting in unclaimed funds waiting for you? Unclaimed property, missing money, or abandoned funds refer to these forgotten fortunes. When any assets ...

Unclaimed Gift Card Balances: Long Island Residents Missing Out on Millions

Did you know that Long Island residents are owed more than $11 million in unclaimed gift card balances? In a recent investigation conducted by Newsday, it was revealed that a significant amount...

Must-Have Information if You've Ever Incorporated in Delaware

The state of Delaware is known for having lots of corporations. It's one of the few states that does not tax corporate income at all, though it does tax personal income. Many larger companies choose to inco...

The People's Republic of China Reimburses U.S. Businesses

California businesses filed against the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of the Hubei Province for trillions of dollars lost due to the failure of the Chinese government to contain the d...

2021 Public Safety Lawsuits - Lockheed Martin, Paraquat, Walter Kidd

2021 Public Safety Lawsuits - Lockheed Martin, Paraquat, Walter Kidd Lockheed Martin releases hazardous chemicals, heavy metals, pollutants, and volatile organic compounds that they use while manufacturin...