Did you know YOU have a 1 in 7 chance of having unclaimed assets

1 in 7 people in the US are owed unclaimed assets by a private organization or the government.

Learn how to find yours before claiming period ends!

I was skeptical at first, but Find Unclaimed Assets exceeded my expectations! The search for my unclaimed assets was quick, and the results were surprising. They made the whole experience stress-free and guided me through each step of the claim process.

John Roberts

John Roberts


Finding unclaimed assets with Find Unclaimed Assets was a breeze! I never knew I had money waiting for me until I used their service. The process was simple, and their customer support team was incredibly helpful throughout. Thanks to them, I was able to claim a significant amount of money that I didn't even know existed. Highly recommend!

Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson


Unclaimed money finder was (and still is!) worth a fortune to my company. Their unclaimed money finder feature is great big help to me and my employees. It helps us keep track of personal assets, and discover unclaimed funds that we can use for business. Thank You!

Zoltan Peper

Zoltan Peper



Here are the tools that you'll be receiving

Links to safe search sites

Skip the endless and uncertain online searching, and find the verified sites you need right here

Easy how-to's for application processes

Stay on the fast track with our simplified breakdown of the claiming process

Advice on managing your unclaimed assets

Receive priceless words of wisdom from trusted experts in the world of unclaimed assets

The latest news about unclaimed assets

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