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The latest news Interviews, technologies, and resources about unclaimed assets

Mastering Overdraft Fees: How to Get Them Refunded

Overdraft fees can be a real headache, hitting your wallet when you least expect it.  But fear not, there are ways to fight back and get those pesky fees refunded.  According to a recent report from the Consum...

Ways You Can Use Unclaimed Funds for Personal Financial Wellness or Business Development

Millions of dollars in unclaimed funds are held in government coffers across the US. Yet, some people remain unaware that they have money waiting for them, while others simply don't...

Your Need-To-Know About Unclaimed Money

There may be money that is yours but you do not know about it. Or, you may have qualified for funds but they never reached you. In these cases, you have unclaimed money that needs to be claimed. Unclaimed money comes in a v...

Discover How You Could Be Sitting on a Goldmine of Unclaimed Money

Millions of unclaimed money sit in government accounts waiting for the owners. It could belong to you or someone in your family, and it may have been sitting there for years without anyone knowing. These fun...