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Do You Have Unclaimed Funds? Here's How To Find Out

Everyone can relate to having a never-ending list of unfinished tasks. Finding out if you have unclaimed funds might be one of those things. It's a relief to learn that finding out if you have unclaimed funds...

The State By State Guide to Unclaimed Assets

Unclaimed assets can be a hidden treasure waiting for you. The challenge is each state in the United States operates an Unclaimed Property Program to safeguard these assets until they can be returned to their owners. Th...

Unlocking Tax Secrets: Unclaimed Refunds Await – Here's How to Claim Yours from 2020

Did you know there's a chance the IRS owes you money? Surprising, right?  Recent statistics reveal a startling fact: many taxpayers might be entitled to refunds of $1,000 or mor...

Discovering Educational Gold: Unclaimed Assets await Schools across Connecticut

Surprise! Lots of money set aside for schools in Connecticut has been found sitting unused.  This is great news for schools struggling to pay for things they need. With millions of dollars...

Sarah Cox's Unclaimed Fortune: A Tale of Oversight and Redemption

It all began with a stranger's message. In early 2022, Sarah F. Cox received an unexpected call from someone named Connie, claiming to hold unclaimed money under her name on behalf of the State of New Yor...

Claimitar.gov: Arkansas' Digital Quest for Unclaimed Property

Imagine having unclaimed property that you didn't even know existed. That's the reality for thousands of people in Arkansas, as the state currently holds over $400 million in unclaimed cash and assets. ...

​​​​​​​Unlocking Hidden Wealth: Discovering Unclaimed Property

Do you have money or assets waiting to be claimed? You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that you could be one of the millions of people across the United States who have unclaimed property...

Unclaimed Gift Card Balances: Long Island Residents Missing Out on Millions

Did you know that Long Island residents are owed more than $11 million in unclaimed gift card balances? In a recent investigation conducted by Newsday, it was revealed that a significant amount...

​​​​​​​How to Find Unclaimed Life Insurance Policies: A Comprehensive Guide

Every year, millions of dollars in life insurance goes unclaimed. Beneficiaries often struggle to locate policies or are unaware of their involvement altogether. The problem of ...