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The latest news Interviews, technologies, and resources about unclaimed assets

Mastering Overdraft Fees: How to Get Them Refunded

Overdraft fees can be a real headache, hitting your wallet when you least expect it.  But fear not, there are ways to fight back and get those pesky fees refunded.  According to a recent report from the Consum...

Don't Let Your Money Slip Away: Unclaimed Funds and Savings Bonds in South Carolina

Have you ever wondered how a state managed to lose track of $1.8 billion? That was a headline that recently caught everyone's attention in South Carolina. Although the money wasn...

Claimitar.gov: Arkansas' Digital Quest for Unclaimed Property

Imagine having unclaimed property that you didn't even know existed. That's the reality for thousands of people in Arkansas, as the state currently holds over $400 million in unclaimed cash and assets. ...

​​​​​​​How to Find Unclaimed Life Insurance Policies: A Comprehensive Guide

Every year, millions of dollars in life insurance goes unclaimed. Beneficiaries often struggle to locate policies or are unaware of their involvement altogether. The problem of ...

FAQs About Unclaimed Assets and Money

Being a savvy consumer means being in the know about unclaimed assets and money. You might have questions about how to find and access this money – but don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here are some FAQs about unc...

Uncovering Unclaimed Money: Discover These Resources Now

There is a plethora of unclaimed dollars, awards, and prizes out there. They wait in inactive investment accounts, uncashed cheques, and forgotten bank accounts. Untold fortunes have been forgotten by their ...

Discover Hidden Treasure: Finding Unclaimed Money/Funds/Resources - Top National Trends Revealed!

Have you ever dreamt of stumbling upon a hidden treasure? Well, the real-life version may be closer than you think! Unclaimed money, funds, and resources are waiting to be di...

Discover How You Could Be Sitting on a Goldmine of Unclaimed Money

Millions of unclaimed money sit in government accounts waiting for the owners. It could belong to you or someone in your family, and it may have been sitting there for years without anyone knowing. These fun...